The technique used to set a cookie value prints a header code. You need to have set the Content-Type with,
Print "Content-Type:text/html"
The getCookieVal function uses the value obtained from doc.http_cookie(0) to obtain the value of the cookie name. For example, doc.http_cookie(0) may give you
test=thistest; user_name=Dietrich%20Willing
The getCookieVal function will give 'thistest' if the parameter you used was 'test'
So, here are the functions. I provide the escape and unescape functions, as they are used to ensure all characters can be stored and read.
Function getCookieVal( cookie As String, thisname As String) As String
Dim prefix As String
prefix = thisname + "="
Dim begin As Integer
Dim ending As Integer
begin = Instr(cookie, "; " + prefix)
If begin = 0 Then
begin = Instr(cookie, prefix)
If begin = 0 Then
getCookieVal = ""
Exit Function
End If
begin = begin +2
End If
ending = Instr(begin, cookie, ";") - 1
If ending = -1 Then
ending = Len(cookie)
End If
getCookieVal = unescape(Mid$(cookie, begin+Len(prefix), ending - begin -Len(prefix)+1))
End Function
Sub setCookie(doc As NotesDocument, compName As String, compValue As String, adjYear As Integer, adjHour As Integer)
' uses a print statement to set the cookie
' uses adjYear and adjHour to set the expiry time of the cookie.
' If the cookie is needed for the one particular session set adjHour to 1, then the cookie is active for an hour
' If you want to expire a cookie, use a negative number for either adjYear or adjHour.
Dim thistime As NotesDateTime
Dim gmttime As NotesDateTime
Dim gmtvar As Variant
Dim cooktime As String
Set thistime = New NotesDateTime("")
Call thistime.SetNow
If adjHour <> 0 Then
Call thistime.AdjustHour(adjHour)
End If
If adjYear <> 0 Then
Call thistime.AdjustYear(adjYear)
End If
Set gmttime = New NotesDateTime(Left$(thistime.GMTTime, Len(thistime.GMTTime)-4))
gmtvar = gmttime.LSLocalTime
cooktime = Format(gmtvar, "dddd")+ ", " + Format(gmtvar, "dd")+ "-" + Format(gmtvar, "mmm") + "-" + Format(gmtvar, "yyyy") +_
" " + Format(gmtvar, "hh:mm:ss") + " GMT"
compName = escape(compName)
compValue = escape(compValue)
Dim dbpath As String
dbpath = Strleft(Lcase(doc.Path_Info_Decoded(0)), ".nsf") + ".nsf"+ "/"
Print "Set-Cookie: " + compName + "=" + compValue + "; expires=" + cooktime + "; path=" + dbpath + ";"
End Sub
Function escape(strIn As String) As String
Dim strAllowed As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strChar As String
Dim strReturn As String
strAllowed = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" & "@/.*-_"
i = 1
strReturn = ""
While Not (i > Len(strIn))
strChar = Mid$(strIn, i, 1)
If Instr(1, strAllowed, strChar) > 0 Then
strReturn = strReturn & strChar
strReturn = strReturn & "%" & Hex$(Asc(strChar))
End If
i = i + 1
escape = strReturn
End Function
Function unescape(strIn As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strChar As String
Dim strReturn As String
i = 1
strReturn = ""
While Not (i > Len(strIn))
strChar = Mid$(strIn, i, 1)
If Not strChar = "%" Then
strReturn = strReturn & strChar
i = i + 1
strChar = "&H" & Mid$(strIn, i, 2)
strReturn = strReturn & Chr$(Val(strChar))
i = i + 1
End If
i = i + 1
unescape = strReturn
End Function
These functions and subs can be incorporated into Codestore's WebSession class. I'll show that tomorrow.
provided by Julian Robichaux at
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