Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Add Cookie manipulation to WebSession Class

To add the getCookieVal function and the setCookie subroutine to Jake Howlett's WebSession class, add them and the escape and unescape functions at the end of the class.

Class WebSession
Public session As Notessession
Public database As NotesDatabase

Sub return(URL As String)
If Left(URL, 1)<>"/" Then
URL = "/"+URL
End If

Print "Location: " + URL
End Sub

' insert functions and subroutines here

' escape function is the same
Function escape(strIn As String) As String
Dim strAllowed As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strChar As String
Dim strReturn As String
escape = strReturn
End Function

' unescape function is the same
Function unescape(strIn As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strChar As String
Dim strReturn As String
unescape = strReturn
End Function

' getCookieValfunction is the same
Function getCookieVal(thisname As String) As String
Dim cookie As String
Dim prefix As String
getCookieVal = unescape(Mid$(cookie, begin+Len(prefix), ending - begin -Len(prefix)+1))
End Function

' the setCookie sub needs a small adjustment where the database path (dbpath) is calculated
Sub setCookie(compName As String, compValue As String, adjYear As Integer, adjHour As Integer)
Dim thistime As NotesDateTime
Dim gmttime As NotesDateTime
Dim gmtvar As Variant
Dim cooktime As String
Set thistime = New NotesDateTime("")
Call thistime.SetNow
If adjHour <> 0 Then
Call thistime.AdjustHour(adjHour)
End If
If adjYear <> 0 Then
Call thistime.AdjustYear(adjYear)
End If
Set gmttime = New NotesDateTime(Left$(thistime.GMTTime, Len(thistime.GMTTime)-4))
gmtvar = gmttime.LSLocalTime
cooktime = Format(gmtvar, "dddd")+ ", " + Format(gmtvar, "dd")+ "-" + Format(gmtvar, "mmm") + "-" + Format(gmtvar, "yyyy") +_
" " + Format(gmtvar, "hh:mm:ss") + " GMT"
compName = escape(compName)
compValue = escape(compValue)
Dim dbpath As String
dbpath = Strleft(Lcase(Me.document.Path_Info_Decoded(0)), ".nsf") + ".nsf"+ "/"
Print "Set-Cookie: " + compName + "=" + compValue + "; expires=" + cooktime + "; path=" + dbpath + ";"
End Sub

End Class

1 comment:

和辛和辛 said...
